# 🔍 findead

Dead react components finder

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# 🚀 Dead Components is the Motivation

Many times in large or even small projects, we forgot some components in code that we'll never use and we never take time to search one by one and remove.

# 📷 Demonstration

Demonstration When findead finish, you'll can see:

  • Components name
  • Path of each one component
  • Size of each one file
  • How many dead components
  • How many browsed files
  • How much time spent to execution

# 💻 Tech

Just bash 😃

# 📥 Install

  • Npm
npm i -g findead
  • Yarn
yarn add findead

# 🔨 Usage

findead <folder_to_get_components>

Pass folder to get all of your components in js, jsx, ts and tsx files.

obs: By default, all node_modules folder is ignored.

# ⚡️ Examples

# Just one argument

  • If you pass just one argument, it will be used for get components and search usages
findead ~/path/to/search

# Raw result

  • Pass -r flag for raw output. Better for atribute output into a file.
findead -r ~/path/to/search

# Multiple and specific folders

findead -m ~/path/to/search/{folder1,folder2,...,folderN}